
What is the difference of Republican and Democrat?

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What is the difference of Republican and Democrat?




  1. Lets not sling mud people... It helps no one...

    basic diff.  rep-conservatives, dem.- liberal

    try this website that explains it quite well...

    for an idea to see where you stand go to a great site called

  2. Dems promote socialist programs designed to leave you no choice but to totally submit to government power.

    Repubs believe in the capitalist society where competition and innovation provide the same types of services at lower cost and higher quality. Keeping government out of your life as much as possible.

    Dems believe in Marxist theory of income redistribution where those who work hard end up paying the way for the lazy and ignorant.

    Repubs believe in the law of the jungle. Only the strong succeed and those who don't can cry to democrat charities instead of socialist government.

    Dems are weak and too trusting of the world around us.

    Repubs know the evils in the world and are always on guard.

    Commy b******s!!

  3. Looking at our two candidates for president:

    McCain wants to lower taxes if you make over 250,000 a year but increase if you make 25-75,000 a year.

    Obama wants to lower taxes for the poorer people and tax the richest.

    So who do you think is in favor of McCain?

    Democrats tend to look out for the welfare of everyone in a humanitarian way while Republicans still think that capitalism will work wonders for everyone - despite the vast vast literature that shows that capitalism is unsustainable and the level of disparity between rich and poor has skyrocketed under Republican leadership.

  4. One believes in charity and the other believes in welfare.

  5. Republicans burn books, Democrats read them.

  6. A republican works hard for his living and give to the charitires that he wants to give to, a democrat takes what the republican worked hard for and demands that he gives to those social progrrams that they set up!

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