
What is the difference of a Thief and a Politician?

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What is the difference of a Thief and a Politician?




  1. The difference is one may get caught when found to be doing the act and the other may not get caught.

  2. A thief takes your money without your consent.

    A politician is elected to take your money.

  3. We vote for Politicians.

  4. The politician is comparatively more resourceful of not only hiding his theft, but also to camouflage it to appear like a gift!! What a sad state of affairs that such crooks wield most of the power over people!!

  5. The thief uses a gun to take your money; the politician uses the tax code.

  6. One is a union member, the other an independent contractor.


  7. A thief can't give himself a $20,000 pay raise in the middle of the night.  Many Senators and Congressmen, politicians all, have done just that.

  8. A thief lacks the guile of persuasion that presents the act of robbery as something that is done for the victim's own good. Persuasion can be of rhetoric, or it can be of insurmountable coercion.

    consider the following:

    "St. Augustine's expose of Rome applies to all states, which he says, are without justice because justice, except in the most imperfect sense, cannot exist on this earth, and as he notes 'without justice, what are kingdoms but great robberies?' To emphasize his point he recounts the story in Cicero's Commonwealth of a pirate who was captured by Alexander the great. When Alexander asked the man to justify his p****y, he responded, 'what thou meanest by seizing the whole earth; but because I do it with a petty ship, I am called robber, whilst thou who dost it with a great fleet are styled emperor.' "

  9. it is the degree of style with which they rob you.

  10. one robes you when your not looking the other looks right in your eyes and then kisses your baby.

  11. The thief's acts are brief and obvious, while the Politician is patient and plans out his thievery over the course of months and years, making it less obvious.

  12. A thief robs you and you are aware of it, a politician robs you blind.  

  13. a theif gos to jail if cought!! a politician gets relected

  14. fine line....LOL

  15. There is a difference?

  16. ..A thief is a small achiever and a politicial is a big level aciever..!

  17. A thief takes your money and spends it on himself.  A politician takes your money and spends it on himself but makes you believe it is all for your benefit.

  18. In India, if a thief is caught, he is brought to trial and punished.

    If a politician is caught, he becomes notorious and more popular.

    Much sought after, as in the case of Sibu Soren, Amar Singh and so many others, who at one time chased by the investigators, on becoming supporters of the ruling party.

    One has to pity the thief!

  19. Thief used mask, politician wear a sheep robe......

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