
What is the difference of a cylcone and a tornado?

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What is the difference of a cylcone and a tornado?




  1. Dont know i thought it was the same thing

  2. A cyclone is much like a hurricane. A cyclone lasts way longer and has less wind power, with an eye in the center. A tornado spins in a counterclockwise direction in the Northern hemisphere and a  clockwise direction in the Southern hemisphere. Tornadoes could have winds up to 315M.P.H. They last way shorter than hurricanes or cyclones do. With cyclones you would have more of a warning than you would with a tornado. Meteorologists can predict when a hurricane or cyclone will occur about a week before it happens but can only predict when a tornado would happen about an hour or less of when it's supposed to touch down.

  3. A cyclone is the same thing as a hurricane in that its damage is wide-spread (perhaps over several states).

    A tornado is produced from a supercell thunderstorm and its damage is more localized.

  4. A cyclone is generally a low-pressure system (as opposed to an anticyclone, which is a high).  Hurricanes are cyclones, as is any low pressure storm system.  They are large (10's to hundreds of miles in diameter).

    A tornado is a local product of a rotating supercell thunderstorm.  Even the largest do not make a damage track more than maybe 500 yards wide. A tropical cyclone, on the other hand,  may cause damage over many miles across it's track.


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