
What is the difference of a resistor mode and diode modes of the ohmmeter setting in a digital multimeter?

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What is the difference of a resistor mode and diode modes of the ohmmeter setting in a digital multimeter?




  1. As stated by guest 1078 power is provided through an internal resistor and the meter calculates the resistance by the ammount of current flow and hence voltage drop across the internal resistor. ET is the battery voltage of the meter, usually 9V. (E=IxR thus R=E/I),in series(IR1=IR2=IT),(R1+R2=RT),(ER1+ER2=ET),if R2 is the external resistor, (ET-ER1=ER2),  ***R2=ER2/IT***
    In diode mode the meter simply looks for the presence or absence of current flow through the internal resistance and digital meters will usually give a "beep" when flow is recognized.

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