
What is the difference of prices between australia and south africa?

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i mean like for clothes and food and stuff, if it costs 100 dollars here, (800 rand) what would it cost in South Africa, (i mean like will it cost more or less then 800 rand/100 dollars)




  1. A loaf of Bread in SA costs R7.00  and in Aus it costs A$6.00(R44.40)

    So your dollar will go a long way in SA.

  2. Bread                 A$ 4.50   ZAR 8.00

    Chicken Whole A$8.70    ZAR 35.00

    Jack Danniels   A$45       ZAR 130

    Steak                 A$9pkg   ZAR 55pkg

    Milk 2L               A$2.50    ZAR 19

    Coke 2L             A$2         ZAR12

    Appels 1.5kg     A$4         ZAR15

    Smokes             A$9.50    ZAR21

    Large Dorito Chips A$3   ZAR15

    Traveling to Aus I found you can go further

    (money) visiting SA from Aus than visiting Aus from SA.

    Cars are cheaper in Aus I must say. Fuel much cheaper in SA.

    With a basic salary you can live resonable in Aus in SA you cant

  3. You cant make that kind of comparison.  I stayed in Botswana for a while and their currency (p**a) is stronger to the Rand.  Not much though.  I was the only one working in Botswana and my husband was staying at home.  I managed to support my family with P6500.00 (p**a) and we managed fine.  My son was in a private school for instance which alone cost P1500.00(p**a)  But here in south africa earning R6500.00 (Rand) is hardly enough to manage for one person alone.  So what you need to take into consideration here is that when you stay in a country and you're earning that countries currency how much do you need to survive.  Compare that then to staying in Australia for instance earning that currency and how much you then need to survive.

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