
What is the difference of success and the values of education?

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  1. In the values of Education we come look at the true purpose of Education. Teh true puropseof Education is build up genuinely the character of each child. To bring out the best in him, to uplift his soul , and mind and vital and body so that he becomes truly his own self; he becomes the true part of the nation he belongs to ; he becomes a true part of that humanity of which he belongs, with the integral development of all his parts. Man is built up of four parts, and each is endeavouring to fulfill itself to its maximum capacities :

    1 ) Physical (body)  - develop into perfect thing of beauty.

    2 ) Vital ( life ) - will be the vehicle of perfect Power .

    3 ) Mind - will uphold perfect Knowledge.

    4) psychic ( soul ) - will be the vehicle to express perfect love and beatitude .

    When you are looking for just outward success, you are just looking at the bare outward life, earn your bread, make a carreer and  have a comfortable life.

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