
What is the difference............?

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Between a regular airplane and a jet, a concord, and a red eye, but I do know one are more expensive than the other, but speeds are differenciate, to their destinations.........




  1. if by jet, you mean turbine-engine-powered, then "regular" would mean piston powered. concorde is a specific jet-liner, and the only operational (at the time) supersonic airliner, and above-average acommodations and high operating cost did result in higher ticket prices. red eye is a term for flights late at night

  2. well..

    a regular airplane to me is a four sitter obviously slower and for recreational use

    the concord has been out of service sense 2001 so i dint how plan on flying on one... dipstick

    but yeah regular plane slowest next jets and the concord and red eye are jets are.. concord WAS the fastest passenger plane and red eye well Ive never heard of this...

  3. Well, I guess you mean by "regular" airplane one with propellers (average speed about200-300mph). A jet plane is pushed ahead by the jet engines (about 500mph). The concord is a supersonic airplane and flies about 800mph.

    A "redeye" refers to a flight that leaves around midnight and you fly all night.

    As far as expense goes, the Concord is by far the most expensive.


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