
What is the differences between Rucby League and Rucby Union?

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Do they have the same rules in the game?




  1. you get the softer version of most sports.

    there is softball and baseball.

    netball and basketball.

    rugby league and rugby union.

    league is the softer version of rugby.

  2. Hard question to answer. The reply above gives you the basic differences (although I strongly disagree with the ststement about league players being better - very ill-informed)

    It's like asking what the differences are between ice hockey and basketball - they're two totally different games.

  3. Rugby uses a slightly fatter ball than league. Rugby had 15 players on the field whereas league has 13. League you get 6 tackles before you must hand the ball over, Union you can keep it or lose it at pretty much any time.

    There are a lot more differences between the two. they are actually very different games.

    Don't listen to people that say one game is tougher than the other. They obviously haven't played both. For instance you never get hit with a true shoulder charge where a guy has been lining you up for 10 metres in Union and you never get folded at a breakdown in league. They are each tough for different reasons.

  4. League is for wimps Union is a man's sport

  5. For a start Union has 15 players and League has 13 to a team. In League they dont really have scrums like Union. League has a maximum of 6 tackles that the team can hold the ball ,so they always kick it on the last tackle. League players are generally better but personally i prefer Union as it is much more free flowing.

  6. Most of the rules are the same but in league they do 5 tackles then the ball has to change team but in union they just have to try and get the ball. league is also much tougher than union.

    i personally think that league is better than union because more action happens when in union it is mainly kicking the ball around.

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