
What is the differences between contract worker and permanent worker?

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which one is better choices?




  1. You work for the company that hired you, not the company you are working at,

    You can be moved, fired easier, no sonority.

    It creates a buffer between the large rich company and you.

    As a contract worker you may be able to claim tax benefits you might not get in being an employee, like the gas to drive to the "work site".

    The biggest thing to most people is the prestige of working for the company

  2. Part time and full time.

  3. contract worker is there for the duration of his contract.  he can generally be let go at any time without penalty to the parent company as he is technically not an employee.  The contractor generally charges more, does not get benefits like retirement and insurance

    the permanant worker generally makes less, but gets a benefit package.  He also is less likely to get fired because the company must go through hoops to prove that he was incompetant and was not wrongly terminated.

  4. Contract Worker is a employee, who is doing work on contract for limited

    period or for special job. After completition of the contract he will lose the job without claim.

    But,  a permanent worker is empoled as per rules fo the goverment and as per the laws. So, his job is almost secure.He will cliam all the facilites but a contract labour couldnot.

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