
What is the different Between Probability in physics, in Math, and in Electrical Engneering?

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What is the different Between Probability in physics, in Math, and in Electrical Engneering?




  1. That is like asking what is the difference between algebra in physics, in Math, and in Electrical Engneering?

    It is the same.  Probability is a branch of math.

  2. Probability in Math vs Engineering is not the same.

    In Mathematics, the probability is based on a population. The Central Limit Theorem is considered.

    In Engineering, the probability is based on sampling and determining if the sample is a good fit to represent the population. The Null Hypothesis concept. The critical characteristic is the amount of variance (Sigma) which the sampling demonstrates. Along with this is the Critical to Quality variables. Those which affect the desired out come the most and must be measured and monitored. Its the basis of DOE, Design of Experiments.

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