
What is the different between Articulture and Horticulture?

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What is the different between Articulture and Horticulture?




  1. Horticulture is plants, landscaping shrubbery stuff like that.

    Agriculture is every thing from animals to corn to even horticulture.

    Horticulture is just a category of agriculture, like aquaculture (fish and marine animals) mechanics, Floriculture (flowers and arrangements), animal sciences etc.

  2. Horticulture is the science of growing plants, generally ornamental ones.

    Articulture is not listed as a term, although references are made regarding art and culture.

    Agriculture is the growing of crops for food and animal feed .

  3. Horticulture (Latin: hortus (garden plant) + cultura (culture)) is classically defined as the culture or growing of garden plants.

    Agriculture (encompasses farming, ranching, and the tending of orchards and vineyards) is the production of food, feed, fiber, fuel and other goods by the systematic raising of plants and animals.

  4. Agriculture for massive

    Horticulture in the garden

  5. Horticulture (Latin: hortus (garden plant) + cultura (culture)) is classically defined as the culture or growing of garden plants. Horticulturists work in plant propagation, crop production, plant breeding and genetic engineering, plant biochemistry, plant physiology, and the storage, processing, and transportation of fruits, berries, nuts, vegetables, flowers, trees, shrubs, and turf. They improve crop yield, quality, nutritional value, and resistance to insects, diseases, and environmental stresses. Genetics is also used as a valuable tool in the development of plants that can synthesize chemicals for fighting disease (including cancers).

  6. Agriculture - food crops

    Horticulture - flower crops


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