
What is the different between Rugby and Football?

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What is the different between Rugby and Football?




  1. You mean American Football or Football in other countries (soccer to Americans)?

  2. If you mean between rugby and association football (soccer) then it is that rugby is when the ball is moved upfield by passing the ball backward, being carried by hands, and tackles are made, rucks (to protect the tackled player and to secure the ball for posession) are performed, and line outs when the ball is sent out of bounds (or into touch as its called) and scrums when certain infringes occur to contest for posession.  The two games are dramtically different, since in rugby there are 15 players to a side in union, 13 in league, and no player stays in a fixed position or part of the pitch during general play.  All players are equally responsible in offense and defense.  

      In gridiron or American football, the game is based upon set piece and not open play, and forward passing is focus of the game, when not given to a running back.  (Like how the Seahawks ALWAYS give the ball to Shaun Alexander.) Forward passes are penalized in rugby.  Once a side has posession, they have to make a first down (gain of 10 yards or more) within four plays (usually punting on the fourth or surrendering on downs) and a touch down is gained by simply entering the goal zone, not entering and then touching the ball down.  In rugby, once the ball is set, then the point that is 22 meters away directly downfield is where the conversion is kicked from, instead of just directly in front of the posts.  Also, tackles are different in that pads are worn in US football, and take place about the head and shoulders, instead of at waist level or so as in rugby.  In rugby, a tackle that takes place above shoulder level is a penalty. Honestly, there are so many differences, that this would be far longer an article than my answer already has been.

  3. Rugby is the game they play in Heaven.  Rugby is played with teams of 15 and the object of the game is for the team in possesion to advance the ball over the tryline and force the ball with downwards pressure to score a try, 5 points.  You can get extra points by converting the try with one of your players kicking the ball through a set of posts. shaped like the letter H

    The defending team has to try and get the ball and do the same.  You advance the ball by running with it and passing it to teammate in a better position.  

    Football is played with 11 players on each team.  The object is to kick the ball between your team mates and advance the the ball to the ends of the field.  You score by kicking or heading the ball past the opposition goalkeeper into a net.

    Football is the biggest game in the world.  Rugby is big in mostly Commonwealth countries.

    There you go mate.  Give blood, play Rugby.

    And don't forget to watch some of the action in the Rugby World Cup this year.  Go the Wallabies

  4. If you don't want to die, then you'll play football

  5. I gotta beat the guy who made the other long one so

    Lets compare

    The ball

    Rugby ball is larger and slightly more rounded, the football ball is more stream lined for throwing and it can fit in your hand more comfortably.


    The only gear a rugby player wears is a pair of small shoulder pads, gum guard, scum cap-optional or some will tape their ears so they dont get friction in the scrum and to prevent colliflower ears(look it up). Some also where special sleeves so they dont get scratches when diving

    A pair of pants, a jersey socks and boots

    Footballers need chest pad, shoulder pads thigh pads, ball boxers and helmets

    Rules for rugby, can only pass backwards, cannot tackle above the shoulders. dude theirs just to much so Im pretty much over this but rugby or a lot more physical and people die in the game this year in my country 3 have died on school boy level. shame and football players are a bunch of softies wearing giant pillow suits, rugby is just muscle man!

  6. The  amount of money they are paid respectively. That's the difference.  Also ------

    Football: A game of passion-filled skill and required fitness.

    Rugby:    A game of speed, brute strength, and legalised


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