
What is the different between thes two sentences?

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A.i will be caught

B.i will get caught

or do these two sentences impli the same meaning?




  1. One is formal usage, the other is colloquial. They are both correct, but would be used in different contexts.  

  2. same meaning

  3. They mean the same thing.

    Regarding the response that said that "to get" means "to obtain", and not "to be" -- it reminded me of a homework assignment from high school (many years ago!).  In class, when our teacher asked us to define the word "get", he mocked us for coming up with so few answers.  Our assignment was then to look up the word "get" in an unabridged dictionary.

    The definition takes up almost an entire column in the book! :-)  And one of the valid definitions in the one that I have is "To become or to be."  And it's not listed as colloquial, slang, or informal -- it's a perfectly valid and proper definition.

  4. mean the same thing

  5. There IS a difference in proper English.

    To"get" means to acquire or obtain.  Would you say "I will obtain caught"?  I think not.

    The correct word is be, which is the future tense of the verb "to be" which designates action.

  6. I can think of a couple things to note...

    In terms of appropriate usage, a phrase with "get" is always less formal than an alternative. In general, I think people use "get caught" in speech.

    Also, "I will get caught" is more emotional and may imply that you feel guilty or really worried about someone catching you. I can't think of any situation where someone who has done something wrong would (naturally) say, "I will be caught!"  

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