
What is the different of love and warship?

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what is the different of love and warship




  1. I've ALWAYS loved warships! God Bless our battleships!

  2. I am sure you mean the difference between 'love and worship!'  Well, love is the best form of prayer, love is the best form of worship. However, there is a striking difference between love and worship.  We love because we feel the need of expansion, the need of oneness. When we love, the lovers eventually become one. The lovers loses their individuality, their personality, their position, their ego and become one and inseparable.  But when we worship we quite often maintain our own individuality and personality. We feel that we are at the foot of the tree while our Saviour is at the top of the tree. Always there is a reverential awe. Because of this reverential awe, we find it difficult to merge totally into the consciousness of our God.  God has infinite Power, infinite Peace, infinite Light and infinite Bliss. He has everything in infinite measure, but we feel that even an iota of His Love can quench our lifelong thirst!!!.

  3. Love generally shoots artillery at opposing fleets.  Warship is when you have either deep feelings of romance or care (as in a family member, etc.) for another person.

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