
What is the diffifrence between the leading gas companies like shell and exxon and discount gas like racetrac?

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I notice racetrac and other discount gas companies are a few cents cheaper is there really any diffifrence?




  1. All I know is that the cheaper gas makes my van smoke .

  2. Racetrac and similar gasolines are less expensive than name brands like Shell, Exxon and similar retailers.  The primary reason is that the name brand retailers work to create their own additive packages that make their gasoline unique and, in theory, perform better than the discount brands.

    Discount gasolines have additives, as required by law, but they only meet the federal minimum standards.  A select group of retailers mee the Top Tier standards for fuel quality.  Top Tier standards were developed by automakers, including BMW, Audi, Toyota, Honda, GM.  These manufacturers knew that cheap gasolines were damaging their engines through buildup of contaminants in the interiors of the engines, shortening life and affecting performance.

    Top Tier standards are significantly higher than federal standards and are completely voluntary.  In order for a fuel seller to be included, ALL grades of gasoline must meet Top Tier standards, not just premium.  Buying from any Top Tier retailer ensures you vehicles are getting a quality fuel that will prolong the life of your engine and help it to perform at its peak.

    This does add cost to a gallon of gasoine, but look at it this way.  If you drive 15,000 miles per year and get 20 mpg, you're buying 750 gallons of gasoilne per year.  If you spend an additional 5 cents per gallon for a Top Tier fuel, the total you add to your annual fuel bill is only $37.50.  That's a small price to pay for a quality product.  It's even possible that with the Top Tier fuel, you'll get a little better mpg, say 21.  If you do, you'll only use 715 gallons of fuel for the same 15K miles and actually SAVE money.  35 gallons of gasoline at the current national average of $3.26 costs $114, far more than extra money you paid at the pump.

  3. As far as the oil going to the refinery...nothing, there is no difference. At this point different companies put in their additives and detergents. But the beginning product is the same

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