
What is the diffirent between pub and disco?

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What is the diffirent between pub and disco?




  1. u drink in a pub and drink and dance in a dicso

  2. pub is only drinks and music disco 3 in 1 dance,music& drinks

  3. A pub is like a bar with a very small dance floor if any.

    A Disco is a club with a huge dance floor and bar.

  4. PUbs are for drinking (and talking)..and sometimes singing irish or school fight-songs.

    Discos are for dancing..and drinking..and talking...and socializing...and flirting....meeting up...getting together....cutting loose...etc.

  5. The main activity in a pub is drinking and socializing.

    The main activity in a disco is dancing and drinking.

  6. you drink in a pub and snort coke in a disco

  7. Drink, socialize and play rubbish games like quizzes and darts in a pub.

    Dance in a disco.

  8. disco is where u go deaf by noise and mad by misic

    Pub is where sensible people go

  9. A pub is where you go to sit and drink and a disco is where you dance and drink.

  10. About 300 decibels...

  11. a pub is were you sit on your bum and drink  a disco you can boggie and drink

  12. pub= drink

    disco= dance

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