
What is the diffrance between bipolar one and two? I have been bipler for years but I have never heard of such

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What is the diffrance between bipolar one and two? I have been bipler for years but I have never heard of such




  1. Bipolar l -  the more dangerous of the two. The depressions are deeper and life-threatening, very often suicidal and requiring hospitalization. The mania are nearly psychotic in nature. One spends all one's money on anything, makes unwise financial and sexual decisions, the mind moves at 1,000 mph, no sleep. Often turns psychotic, into delusions or great raging anger.

    Bipolar ll - highs not as high, lows not as low. Depressions are not usually so deep or last as long and generally hospitalization isn't required. The mania is called a hypo-mania, more like a general feeling of great energy and superiority.

    Lithium almost always works on Type l, but not on Type ll, Type ll bipolars usually get anti-depressants and mood stabilizers.

  2. never heard of bipolar 1 and 2 its either bipolar or manic bipolar i have manic bipolar so i get mad easy and like it or not will beat the h**l of any1 in my way to get the to the person who pushed my button so like i said be4 never heard of bipolar 1 and 2

  3. Bipolar type I is the classic type of Bipolar Disorder.  This means you get both extremes of Mania and Depression.

    Bipolar type II is the type of Bipolar Disorder that has Depression more often, and hypomania less regularly than depression.  Hypomania is not as extreme as Mania.

  4. Bipolar one is the "manic" aspect to being bipoar. Bipolar 2 still includes mania, but is more on the depressive side. (I have bipolar 2)

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