
What is the diffrence between IE and firefox??

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which is better to use, what is in general the best to use. i got wxp and i have amd64x2dualcoreprocessor5600+2.8ghz,2gbr...




  1. LOts, but be advised that Fireofx 3 has been found to have a serious security flaw and the patch has not been released yet.

  2. FIREFOX IS WAY BETTER!!! i hate IE with a passion because zone alarms suddenly hates it. Firefox has addons and themes (such as adblock plus, it makes it so none of those side advertisements or anyhting pops up) and is really a work of the gods. USE FIREFOX!

  3. Firefox is more efficient as it has alot of interesting add-ons and the pages loads fast (probably due to the lack of 'clicking' sounds that IE has) and many other reasons. It is also less likely to catch a virus although no browser is 100% safe. HTML wise, it is better but in javascript wise, is lags slightly behind IE

  4. Firefox. More reliable and fast internet. Also with IE, you are more potent to catching virus's.  

  5. fire fox is  faster and more secure and better add on's

  6. FireFox is more efficient on your RAM and CPU. Just run them both together and see the difference!

  7. FireFox 100% - I have both installed on my computer but I prefer FireFox. It works twice as fast as IE on my computer. It's hard to explain the differences as they are both equally matched. The majority of people say that FireFox is more secure than IE. Apart from that, I would say they are about the same (FireFox is laid out slightly differently). If you do decide to install FireFox, you can import all the settings from IE so FireFox has the same provacy level etc.

  8. Use firefox good for noobs

  9. For general use, I prefer Firefox. It's faster in my experience, and now it is equally compatible with whatever website you find. Also, the add-ons that are out there for it really make it a great piece of software.

  10. firefox is faster and better (:

  11. Its more of a matter of preference.  I like firefox, it gets less spyware/adware.  Also, ctrl f (searching for text) is a lot more convenient.

  12. firefox is much better for your computer and internet explorer is alot slower which i think slows your computer down


  13. Fire fox is safer and faster.

  14. Firefox, it has tons of cool addons and you can personalize it your way with tons of themes. IE is slow, bad performance, and not really safe to use. Ever since i used firefox, i didn't end with any virus. By the way firefox 3 is lightning fast.

  15. Firefox 3 is better. Latest IE does some strange stuff.

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