
What is the diffrence between sadness and despair?

by Guest55755  |  earlier

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What is the diffrence between sadness and despair?




  1. If you are sad, you are unhappy, especially about something which has recently happened, something regrettable.

    If you despair, you lose hope. If you despair of someone, you feel they will never improve.

  2. Sadness: feeling when you are not happy - it is an emotion of the heart - as when you have lost somthing you desire ....  some unfavorable event which is acceptable to you , but which some time for you to get over with it...

    Despair:  when you are very anxious to get over something but short of time and other resources - as when you have an important examination to take in three hours  but have forgotton about it, and have not prepared for it and it takes two hours 30 minutes to get to the examination center... or when you have a loved one dying of a sickness but unable to help ...or there is a good chance of helping but there is not enough time....i.e. in situations of "so near, yet so far..."

  3. despair is to be overcome by a sense of futility or defeat.


    sadness is expression of sorrow or unhappiness.

    The only difference is that, sadness is general and Despair is specific.

    I Hope i was of some help.

    Thanks for asking dear

  4. Sadness is a physcial/emotional reaction to an event of some kind.  

    Despair is utter hopelessness.  Completely lost and without redemption.

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