
What is the digital camera that you can choose a color and only that color shows up in your picture?

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I think it is a canon but I am not positive. It's where you choose one color and your camera takes the picture and only shows that one color (like say the persons shirt color) and the rest of the picture is black and white.




  1. Yes, your thinking is right. Canon Sd series or advanceds P&S cameras do that, they have " color accent '' & '' color swap '' features.

    Not on DSLR cameras ( canon ).

    The feature that you're talking about is called '' color accent ''.

    The picture color like this :

    This option is not really hard to set, but you have to read the user guide carefully for setting the camera.

  2. Uh well you can't make it show the only color of the shirt if the shirt is sharing its color with other colors in the photo.

    but yeah, if you turn down the saturation on every color but red, all the red in that picture will stay lit up.  If the shirt is red, but that purple flower over there behind Bob has red in it, then that will stay there too.  And it'll look kind of weird.  Understand?  Try it in photoshop to see what I'm talking about.

    What you're talking about doing is a techinque done in photoshop.

  3. That's done in Photoshop or PaintShop Pro.

    It's simple. If you want to do a shirt, all you do is trace it (with a feather of 2 or 3 so it would blend in. When you click the lasso tool to trace, you'll actually see the word feather at the top toolbar with some numbers to choose from.) And you invert the selection, so instead of the shirt, it would trace the outside of the shirt. (You can do this by looking at the topmost toolbar where you see File, Edit, etc. It's under Select or Selection.) And you colorize to Black and White, but since the shirt isn't in the selection it stays the same original color.

    I haven't seen a camera do that. My camera is a Sony Cybershot T100 & it does this colorization, but after the photo is taken. And it only does a little bit, not extreme like changing someone's shirt or shoes or something so specific.

    Trust me, if you've seen pictures of it. It wasn't the camera. It was the person who changed it on their computer.

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