
What is the distance at which a mobile speed camera measures your speed?

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What is the distance at which a mobile speed camera measures your speed?




  1. usually about two feet before you see it.

    Seriously though some cameras now have an accurate range of over a mile

  2. Eye sight............

  3. Ooh, I saw this on the TV show, Mythbusters , once ... they tested all kinds of "tricks" to possibly fool the speed camera ... and the camera still won and got off a crystal clear clean shot each and every single time. The only way to beat the speed camera is to NOT give it a reason to take a shot of you and your car.

    But the real answer to your original question is approximately 1km which is more than enough for its intended use.

  4. Hi Matty,

    I drive for a living and have read that the new camera systems mounted in vehicles on the motorway bridges can snap you as soon as they can see you - so I think that perhaps we are talking distances of maybe a mile.

    I can't quote any reference to you but my impression is that by the time you see the camera it could be too late to do anything - but then speed is not the only criteria. I do know that when you are photographed, your registration details are uploaded to Swansea DVLA where all administrative details can be checked, e.g. MOT, insurance, road tax as well as any outstanding fines or warrants can be brought to the attention of the person with the camera within a few seconds and they have the authority to pull you there and then.

    Happy motoring.

  5. I think if they can see you, they can tag you.  They can even be coming towards you, both of you moving, and they can get you.

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