
What is the distance between You and the person...?

by  |  earlier

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..... you really want to be ?

If you care covering this distance how well have you managed up to now ?




  1. With me it would better be categorized with astronomy. Light years, parsecs and such.

  2. Why is the distance between You and the person...?

  3. I covered the distance long ago and hugged that person!  Now we are merged together...a tearful union that was!

  4. i would have to say a lot of miles. i am constantly looking and learning new things everyday. life is a process of teaching what you know and of having things being taught to you.  

  5. not very far

  6. and the same...thank you very much...

    ...its easier living life when you try to make tomorrow better...

    ...had many ups and downs...and still on the path of LIFE, with a smile...

    ...thanks for asking...enjoy the weekend...

  7. None, I found myself a long time ago.

  8. I would say the distance is about 4 years....the time it'll take me to graduate from college and get in the career field I want.

  9. I live in the now . I am what i am because i have allowed myself to become it .. Tomorrow will bring what tomorrow will bring and i will add to me from it

  10. you could put everything you can think of in that space

  11. There is no distance, I want for no other me. All other forms of me are pretenders in the past and future. No longer am I the past me, the future me does not even exist and so both past and future me are false.

    Only the present me is true.

  12. About a mile of ruts in the road, then a few kilometres of habit and comfort, finished off with a tough final sprint of other people's perceptions.

  13. I have a ways to go, everyday is a learning process. Once the doctor gives the okay, I will be even closer to my goal

  14. The future me is always just one step away.

  15. T distance between reality and imagination.

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