
What is the distance between earth and tatooween?

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What is the distance between earth and tatooween?




  1. Infinite.

  2. Less than 5 parsecs...oh wait thats the Kessle run...

  3. *laughing*

    Tatooine is a fictional planet!

  4. i do believe its spelled Tatooine...and it is an imaginary place made up by one of george lucas' writers.

  5. Well, as Tatooween is in a galaxy far far away, I would say it's about thirty miles thataway.

  6. Been wacthing a little to much star wars have we?

    Plus you wouldent want to go there,to many d**n imperials ;)

  7. I think it is Tatooine.  And it is in a galaxy, far, far away.  

  8. About the same as the distance between reality and imagination.

    And it's Tatooine.

  9. Tattoine is described as a desert planet rather than a water planet like Earth and it has two suns.  

  10. too far away,farsahy-farsahy long distance.

  11. 6 parsecs

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