
What is the distance between the serving line and the volleyball net?

by  |  earlier

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My Daughter is playing volleyball next year and so we're practicing with her at home to get her skills up. I need to know how far to mark off on the driveway for her so she knows how far to serve the ball.




  1. 29 1/2 feet

  2. Each side of a Volleyball court is 30 feet square.

    By the way, when I used to practice serving, I drew two horizontal lines above the garage door at 8 feet and 10 feet. Then I practiced hitting the wall between these two lines from 30 feet away.

  3. i belive its 10' from the net, it's also called the "service line"

  4. It is 30-ft in America, 9m for international.

    "10-foot-line" is the attacking line which back row players have to jump behind when attacking.

  5. It is 10 feet from the serving line, and make sure she doesn't step over the ten foot line because in vollyball it is considered foot fault if she steps over the line. Also, don't forget she needs to hit it high enough so it goes over the net ten feet away.

  6. The distance between the serving line and the volleyball net is 29.5feet

  7. the serving line is farther back and its the line that you stand behind and serve. the volleyball net is, well the volleyball net in the middle.

  8. I'm POSITIVE it is 30 feet from the service line to the net.  I play school and club volleyball.  To get good @ serving a drew a chalk line on my driveway and served on to my garage roof it really helped (a high school net is 7 feet 4 inches)

    I hope this helps

    ps- tell your daughter I say good luck with volley ball it is a blast

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