
What is the distance formula?

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What is the distance formula?




  1. The question is a little vague but I am assuming you mean distance in relation to speed and time.  

    For that, the equation is :

    Distance = Speed x time

  2. Distance=Rate*Time

  3. Which distance formula are you referring to?

    Distance=Rate x Time?



    (radical sign is over all of that)

  4. In Geographical terms, the distance between 2 points P & Q whose latitudes (phiA, phiB), longitudes (lambdaA, lambdaB) & D is difference of their longitudes (longitudinal distance < 180 degrees) are given, the radial distance along the great circle is given as

    cosR = sin phiA * sin phiB + cos phiA * cos phiB * cos D.

    If the spots A & B are in not in the same (N or S) hemisphere, one of them shall be considered as negative. The former in the sum will be negative then.

    R (degrees) is multiplied with 60 to get nautical miles, or multiplied with 69 to get st. miles, or multiplied with111 to get km.

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