
What is the dmi gang wisper?

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  1. Guest58291

     Talk that s**t guest face to face b***h

  2. Guest58189

     If DMI is such a bunch of bad asses......why do you let Mark Allen Jones, Jr walk the streets KNOWING d**n right well he sold your asses up the f*****g river to get out just eight months early? Every Dawg in Dundalk knows he's an informant for BCPD! Yet not a single one of you can step up and take care of it. Every other "brotherhood" goes by "snitches get stitches"! Not DMI! Maybe y'all ain't s**t.......

  3. Guest57723

     I pledge allegence with my life!! These fakes don't know wtf they talkn bout! Im South Bmore all day, ground zero!! REAL Dawgs keep it real!! 💯

  4. Guest57477

    Diamond in the house? HAHA you know that w***e probably fucked some nigs, smoked crack, shot dope, and dates wiggers....probably solely for the reason that her parents would flip out if she was with a nig. She might even have a niglet baby and some wigger DMI clown is taking care of it. He probably hangs out with the nig/buys drugs from the nig who knocked that w***e up. Thats the DMI way. f*****g cucks!

  5. Guest57477

    Aw it got deleted from wikipedia. Oh Well I can make a whole site dedicated to showing everyone that f****t whisper, CODs, the manifest, 22's, etc. Not that anyone would want to be part of this g*y "gang." If someone saw this page and didn't know that DMI was a gang of mostly "whites" (I don't consider you to be white...wiggers) they would swear this was a n****r "gang" by the way you talk.

  6. Guest57472


  7. Guest57472

    My allegiance to this unit is for life, I will assist my brothers in good times and in strife, Our secrecy and safety I must always uphold, Should I slip in my discipline I may not live to grow old, To my foes, enemies, and adversaries alike, I will shed their blood freely and never hesitate to strike, For my brothers life and safety are most precious to me, To keep this unit safe, secret, and as silent as can be, To my brothers I pledge my allegiance with my life, Should I ever forsake them may I die by their knife.

    DMI are a bunch of f****t dopefiends and crackheads from Dundalk, Essex, and south Baltimore who act like wiggers and are afraid of niggers. They try to extort the white guys who aren't in gangs...but if they catch them 1 on 1....the DAWGs lose 99% of the time. If you become a DAWG you are way more likely to get another DAWG. The best time to attack the DAWGs is when the compound is dry and there are no drugs. They will all be sniffling in the rec hall and feeling dopesick and losing their minds begging the niggers for a 1/128th of suboxone...and will probably trade their TV or radio for it. The funniest thing is when you see a 20 year old kid who claims to have known ROCK uptown. Or the chumps that say that they became DAWG back when it was a bunch of thorough white dudes. The fact is, you aren't considered are all're all a joke. Nobody is afraid of you. You're all a bunch of CLOWNS! Even your f****t leader denounced you!!! And he has a life sentence!!! He has nothing to lose and still doesn't want to associate with you faggots!!!!


  8. Guest45380

     All of you renouncing the organization it's a shame that you half to be Internet Gangsters and talk it Behind a Key Board..

    Knowing Dam well wouldn't none of ya spit that s**t when we behind The wall

    So my Advice To You Is Keep On Talking...

    Guranteed To Be Put On The Menu And Believe Us When We Say It You Will Get Bit..F.O.M.F My Brothers!!


  9. Guest34037
  10. Guest32516

    GDK f**k a Brick and Expose GDK DMI for life 

  11.  Dmi are a bunch of sissy white boys that get punked in prison. They shoot dope and suck the black off when they feenin. They are a big joke and they think they tough. Rolmao. 7-4 til the world blow!

  12.  man you guys are halrious, you guys are f****n mutts and you guys aint s**t in the prison system, NUESTRA FAMILIA 4 life we run s**t.

  13.  So I am guessing a couple of u guys Are in DMI


  14.  You guys are fake. GD til i die trick

  15.  who ever got something to say about DMI and talk s**t about my brothers come see me BLEEK 4·13·9 all day DAWG soo whoot killa yah heard

  16.  i pledge my allegiance to this unit for life, to assist my brothers in strife......and if i should fail, then i shall fail, fail, fall under the knife. 4139

  17.  f**k you micheal hoff!!!end of story u see a n***a thats real then talk that s**t!! till then shut your fucken mouth!



  18.  Punk a*s dope fiends..I was laying dogs down all day long in hagerstown..bunch of who res that only start s**t wit they own people..lmao joke

  19.  to the ones who want to say they can bark. That's all you can do is bark real dawgs bite and send all them b*****s running with there tails between there legs

  20. diamond in the house...the sexiest diamond out...whats up my you all...dead til i die baby


  21. Stupid azz punk dope fiends that cnat do no more than steal doritos from a 7-11...


  22.  DMI is not a f*****g gang, its a brotherhood. If you dont know what the f**k your talkin about keep your 2 cents to yourself, you broke b***h. Dead til I die- Harley

  23. DMI for lyfe@!!!

    If you ever come face to face with a real D.A.W.G one day you will soon learn what it feels like to be bit!! t('.'t)


    If you got problems with harley davidsons then come see us ya heard! Harley Davidson for lyfe!  Ride or die b*****s!

  24. Honestly u guys are f****n stuip if u arent in prison then u really dont know s**t about d.m.i. and for the d.m.i. dawgs that are out most respect to u guys my husband is d.m.i. for life...and for all u p***y a*s b***h that want to run your mouth about them can go f**k yourself on some real s**t... 4 13 09 allday...

  25. You want to know it. try to get into the organization yourself you f****n p***y. you wanna bark like one of the D.A.W.G.S. then you need to join a pack. But noone wants to jion until you have no choice. Then its all or fall. Get your mind of questions that the answer is going to kill you in the end. little b***h as mother fuckers are going to get your a*s's handed to you in county much less in prison. Just leave that s**t a lone and stick to your everyday life where your right hand even turns you down. punk a*s mother f****r

  26. you all are jackasses the wisper is made for no one to know unless your in the d.m.i. organization...

  27. SU-WHOOP KILLA  fo life. Aint s**t changed dawg. For all you fake a*s bitchs puttn bad bones on my brothers I hope you dont ever get locked up. Check in p***y. 4-13-9 for life.

  28. <p>&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;alot of people have their opinoins about D.A.W.G's but real D.A.W.G's know whats what! since the god father got hit with the rico act s**t hasn't been the same. it's turned into a D.A.W.G eat D.A.W.G world. but all u spectators who like to run ur mouth may come face 2 face with a real D.A.W.G one day an ull know what it's like 2 get bit!!!!&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</p>

  29. <p><strong>alot of people have their opinoins about D.A.W.G's but real D.A.W.G's know whats what! since the god father got hit with the rico act s**t hasn't been the same. it's turned into a D.A.W.G eat D.A.W.G world. but all u spectators who like to run ur mouth may come face 2 face with a real D.A.W.G one day an ull know what it's like 2 get bit!!!!</strong></p>

  30. alot of people have their opinoins about D.A.W.G's but real D.A.W.G's know whats what! since the god father got hit with the rico act s**t hasn't been the same. it's turned into a D.A.W.G eat D.A.W.G world. but all u spectators who like to run ur mouth may come face 2 face with a real D.A.W.G one day an ull know what it's like 2 get bit!!!!

  31. all i know is i use to date a dawg and he was as dope fiend dmi-dope men incorporated is what i say, all his dawg friends were always high and always doing dumb s**t and wanting him to do dumb s**t cause they didnt want to and were to much of pussies to do it theirselfs, lets just say i never met a dawg that wasnt a junkie and yes i will say it to there face cause i have i only speak the truth, its funny they say they dont get high but got track marks lol and are nodding, if i at least met one that didnt get high id feel different but to me they are all the same lets just say my ex bf is in prison for 15 years for a robbery charge and not one dawg on the street helped him in there by sending him money or visiting him but they helped get him in there!!! and i will say that they are a assoication behind the wall (in jail or prison) they do stick together in there and probably get high to but its totally different than out on the streets and you got dawgs in prison coming home and f*****g it up for the rest of them!!

  32. 4-13-9 DAWG, th!s a!int a game, think you know? Research your paper work and come holla at me!!

  33. personly i respect dawgs im not racist but for all of yall callin d. out saying there fake aparently you are because your saying it over the internet but thats besides the point half of you all arnt from baltimore so you dont realy even know what we about just throwin that out there and half yall little b***h's actin tough trien to be a internet gangster but when yall confront baltimore face to face its a rap bodymore murdaland 410 brooklyn all day oh yea jennifer road cellblock d get at us

  34. D.M.I. is a bunch of dope fiends. Most of the so called thorough white boys in maryland prisons are dope fiends.The Aryans out west would kill all of you.In the 20 years I was bitting in Maryland I think I was the only White Man that didnt shoot dope.You are a bunch of pussies and your leader sucks n****r d**k cuz he is scared of them.You idiots are like revenge of the nerds in prison and every time the niggers take your s**t and stab you up I laugh.And between the whole bunch of you dope fiends you dont have enough commissary to fill one little debbie box.

  35. Your all fake. If yall were in it you wouldn't be talkin 'bout it. You'd get your throat slit otherwise.4-13-9  fake b*****s. and they're not stupid they're actually quite educated and organized to say the least. All of you need to goto school dumb fakes and learn to spell. If they even heard the way all of you talk they'd put you 6 feet under. POSERS

  36. I am not a member of any gang, and I hope I am never in prison or in a position where I need to be in a gang for protection.

    However, I am a political activist with ties to militant anti-racist and anti-authoritarian groups. I dont think I could get protection from any of the Ayran groups (and wouldn't want to).

    I understand there are now some racist elements within DMI, but I strongly respect how DMI was founded in alliance with BGF.

    I dont plan on going to prison, but I have thought about what would happen if the wrong series of events ever landed me there. I would feel better surrounding myself with DMI than I would with any of the Aryan gangs.

    Lets hope it never comes down to that, but I am trying to educate myself.

    I dont suppose you have a presence in the SF Bay Area?

    So what would somebody like me do if he wanted to avoid the Aryan gangs but also wanted protection?


  37. The Wisper, Should never be put out like this as you can see..... "So I will keep this unit safe, secret, and as silent as can be". People don't realize s**t aint a game. For your down there, your are milk aka food. FOMF !!

  38. My nipples are burnin!

  39. f****n white boys going around running their mouths same as the NIggerrs and every other wanna be REAL GANGSTER! IDIOTS  if you were about s**t you would know to keep your mouths shut

  40. My allgience to this is for life,
    I will assist my brothers in good times or in strife,
    Our secrecy and safety I must always uphold,
    Should I slip in my discipline I may not live to grow old,
    To me foes, enemies, and advasaries alike,
    I will shed thier blood freely and never hesitate to strike,
    For my borthers life and safety are most precious to me,
    So I will keep this unit safe, secret, and as silent as can be,
    To my brothers I pledge my allegience with my life,
    Should I ever forsake them may I die by thier knife.

    You guys are a bunch of dope addict f**s. I hope you all rot.

  41. Guest19040079

  42. first of all i feel like allmost everyone on this pag eis a fackn b***h... to the guy the tht said his ''dowgs'' i clearly not dmi because you would know it is splet dawg since each letter stands for something and itsss conrads not comrads... love his diamond flesh man flesh

  43. How can anyone come on here and say anything. About dmi.....I don't judge for one but if your in the prison system somtimes you do what you have to do.....nowwww if you never been 2 prison then you don't no how they feel or what they been throw and prison

  44. This was just on a TV Show a while back.  Like Nat Geo.

  45. first if u talkiin bout d.m.i u dont say niggaz cuz its bout killin niggas spics all that s**t so f**k niggers jessup D.M.I mutha fukers

  46. Brotherly love to all my dogz!  If u don't know don't ask b***h!

  47. i personally think that all gangs are completely stupid and they are just worthless people that are dumb and too lazy to get an education or a job so they go around trying to kill all the smart ppl that are trying to make something out of their lives cuz they are jealous!!! gangs are worthless and one day all of those lil punks will stand before God on judgement day (if they change their ways) and wish they never even heard of a gang!! God bless them all. Gang members are the ones who walk around spending more time watching their backs in this world than having a backbone to make the world better!!! And for the person who asked this question, the whisper is NOTHING. Its just a question for you to ask and them to pretend like its something when they all know its really NOTHING!!!


  49. Ain't s**t changed dawg we ant bout to go barkin D.T.I.D

  50. d.m.i <|

  51. sing me a song

  52. The Pagans WILL show dmi Who RUN MD                                          d.m.i members pussies wont say that s**t to their face                    PAGANS ARE ABOUT TO

  53. The Pagans WILL show dmi Who RUN MD                                          d.m.i members pussies wont say that s**t to their face                    PAGANS ARE ABOUT TO

  54. the person who asked that question is a complete f*****g idiot who wants to claim d but doesnt have what it takes so he tries to find out what the whisper is so he can run around sayin hes d and that he knows the whisper i hope the person who asked this question gets found and my comrades allready no whats going to happen so its irrelavent for me to say nemore so im going to leave all my comrades the same way they found me dead as ever...... and i bet the people who call d.m.i members pussies wont say that s**t to their face KILLA

  55. f.a.m.e ull neva no the whisper
    u l y n
    c l   e
    k     m

  56. DMI is a bunch of pussies.

  57. we will never say we take our wisper to the grave dead till we die


  59. Noone is going to tell you this.

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