
What is the downside of turning on "pop" on your radar detector?

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What is the downside of turning on "pop" on your radar detector?




  1. If you have a good radar detector, there are no down sides. POP radar is a short burst of radar energy instead of the longer bursts of other radar types. POP radar was designed with radar detectors in mind: build a radar gun that shoots a short burst of radar energy so that cheaper radar detectors won't detect the radar gun until it is too late. More and more police are switching from radar to laser for this same reason: by the time laser is detected, your speed has already been measured and your radar detector is useless.

    If you are concerned about police laser, your only option is to use a laser jammer to jam the laser until you have time to check your speed and turn off the jammer. Like radar detectors, laser jammers are legal in nearly every state. The truly best option is a radar/laser combo system that includes a radar detector AND a laser jammer. Though not as cheap as a radar detector, these systems are the only true way to remain protected against both radar and laser.

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