
What is the doze of zolpidem in vegatative state?

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What is the doze of zolpidem in vegatative state?




  1. Zolpidem is not of any benefit 100 % for all the patients suffering from " Persistent Vegetative State ". A collective complete clinical trial result of testing Zolpidem on PVS patients is also inadequate.

    However, on the contrary there are few medical journals that suggest Zolpidem do make some PVS patients to react to this drug. The tests were primarily positive on patients with " Glasgow Coma Score " of over 8.

    Even after all the above stated facts should a Neurologist really consider testing Zolpidem on PVS patients then the dosage has to be in accordance to what it usually is on average for non-PVS patients. Which basically is in-between 5 mg up to 15 mg.

    Good Luck !

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