
What is the draw backs of useing a bagless lawnmower..?

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0 LIKES UnLike has to do with your home outdoor plantings and basements...




  1. Your yard grows higher over the years,all plantings near basement eats the soil which in turn forces rain water up against dwelling making leaky base ments.

  2. Bagless is otherwise known as the "Mulching Mower". The mess you have to clean up afterwards is a major drawback unless you want it for mulching purposes. Here is some info I copy & pasted from the link below.

    With a mulching mower we see the following as pros and cons.


    Requires less fertilizer

    Clippings are small and not very noticeable (if you always mow when you are only cutting a third of the grass height off)

    Eliminates bagging or raking and disposal issues


    Grass must not be wet when mowed. The clippings clump and clog up the works

    Should not mulch if grass is tall. (Depending on where you live, this con and the previous con often work together to frustrate you.)

    Clippings tend to attach to everything and move to areas where you don't want them

    Good Luck...

    Ha Ha Ha

  3. Grass all over, but if you mow regularly its a small amount.

  4. uummm u have lots of excess loose grass everywhere

  5. If you have a mulching blade, nothing.  Mulching blades cut the grass more finely and then eject the grass out where it decomposes within in a few days.  The benefits are that you are not putting all that grass in a land fill, you are recycling natural nutrients back into the soil and grass and finally your grass cutting time is cut in half because you do not have to stop to empty a bag.  You can just mow nonstop.  

    Contrary to the popular belief that this will lead to a build up of thatch, it does not.  The University of Pittsburg concluded a five year study recently that showed no sign of excess thatch by mulching over bagging.  By the way, thatch buildup comes from inadequate watering, not mulching.  

  6. munched clippings make yard higher over the years,mean while your foundation growing planters are eatting the siol,as df said ends up with leaky basements.every yard should be reasased every 6 years.looking for rain off problems.

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