
What is the dream meaning for teeth falling out?

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I had last night where my teeth were falling out one by one and I couldn't stop them. It is really disturbing. I've been having this dream every once in a while for the past couple years. What does this mean?




  1. Well I heard that when you lose a tooth in your dream it means someone close to you will die. But of course that's not true. But in your case you're loosing a lot of them. I guess this represents your anxieties in life. You feel that a lot things are happening and you can't do anything about them. Or they represent your fear of loosing control of things or of the person you love.

    Dreams are representations of your thoughts and feelings. Instead of trying out what your dreams mean, try looking at the world  where you can take actions. The dreamworld is all in the mind, whether or not they represent some unexplained message from the future, what's important that you are aware of the present and you know how to step forward.

    Visit your dentist, too. It just might be some dental problems starting down the roots.

    Good luck.

  2. This is actually the most common dream.  I have this dream a LOT.  Something comes out of your mouth that shouldn't.  Like WORDS.  Have you said something lately you shouldn't have said?  Also teeth are symbolic of power.  They give you the primitive power to chew your food, so if you dream they are falling out, could mean you feel that you are losing power over something in your life.  Things are beyond your CONTROL.  Teeth are also critical to self-image; one of the first things people notice about you.  Perhaps you are having self-esteem issues with some aspect of your character.

  3. I always have the same dreams, but for me it's because I'm afraid of losing my teeth and getting dentures at an earlier age than normal. I'm 28 and I've always had bad teeth and when I got my caps and veneers a few years ago, I had trouble with a couple that kept popping off, which gave me terrible nightmares of my teeth falling out. I think it's different for everyone, but regardless, talking about it will help stop the dreams from reoccurring.

  4. It means as bad:

    Your relatives will die in front ov your eyes (Khudanakhuasta)

    In good:

    You will have good as well as bad happenings in front ov your eyes

  5. I've had that dream and I think it's an insecurity thing but that's not an official translation.  

    It might mean something different for different people.

  6. you know, i had a dream where my teeth were falling out, last night. and yes, i agree with you it was disturbing (my dream)

  7. For men, fear of castration. For women, fear of genital mutilation.

  8. Awe. That happens to me also. It means you're self-conscious and you really do care what other people think about you. You may be worried a lot about your looks or your personality.

    "You are worried about your image and how other people see you." (I hear that a lot about those types of dreams)

    Hope this helps :]

    If its not those it may also be

    1. Lack of self-confidence

    2. or fear of being embarassed

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