
What is the dress code for living in Sicily?

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I'm relocating to Sicily in October and am keen to know what to wear as I don't want to offend the locals or indeed look even more out of place! Help...




  1. The preferred dress code for Sicily is : Clothing

  2. the Burqa, as the talibans  ahaha!

    i'm italian and i think that this question is very stupid,

  3. I spent New years there and the weather was pleasant in the day time and chilly at night  summer you will need light weight comfortable clothing... but keep in mind you must be fashionable.. even the poor people tak e pride in their dressing.  Womena dn men both should dress for dinner and evening.  Do not look like they typical sloutchy amaerican wearing ripped jeans and tshirts. NOT GOOD in Italy anywear.  During the day its ok but night time dress to impress but dont look like a Long Island Gum Snapping hairball either.  Look good be clean and enjoy the sights looking hot

  4. actually nothing!!!!!!!!!!

  5. bullet-proof vest?

  6. women wear a lot of dresses there. it's a lot of casual dress clothes from what i've seen. It's ok to be fashionably dressed if thats what you mean, but if your trying to dress in the trampy- im- looking -for -a- guy look your going to stand out.

  7. Whoa, whoa, whoa...what is this Versace nonsense?  To be sure, some of the ladies in Catania looked like they stepped out of Vogue, but they were way in the minority.  Most Italians dress like most Americans...casual unless there is a special occasion.  In the year I lived in Sicily, I never once was turned away by a ristorante because I had no tie on (unlike London).

    I lived on the east coast, south of Catania and its Mt. Etna.  The weather there was like that of the San Francisco Bay Area.  Wet and cool in winter and dry and hot in summer.  Their weather is the main consideration for deciding what to wear.

    You should love Sicily and the Siciliani, they are a marvelous, affable people.  If you have a chance to see Toaromina, near Messina, do so,  It's a terrific town with cobble stone streets that still have grooves in them formed by Caesar's chariots.

    PS:  Even while living on the Sicilian east coast, away from Palermo, I saw evidence of the Mafiosi.  But in that year in Sicily, I never once saw or heard of a Mafioso bothering a foreigner.  So I don't think a bullet proof vest is necessary.

  8. you can dress jeans , pants, skirts ... you can dress as you want. the main point is that your attire is not vulgar. let's not be not at all Islamic extremists!

  9. Most Italians dress up very fashionably. Especially brands like D&G, Giorgio Armani, Versace etc. But it doesnt have to be something very expensive as long as it is 'in'.

  10. women are dressed quite s**y but never vulgar. do not wear pareo's and bikini's away from the beach, (or the beach promenade). keep an eye on the italians. for example i've seen that the people go to church very well dressed.keep your eyes open, and in a short time you'll understand the dresscodes.

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