
What is the drivers area of a train called?

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What is the drivers area of a train called?




  1. its called the cab but in The days of steam it was called the foot plate

  2. tomas the tank engine

  3. In the States it is the Locomotive cab, or control compartment.

    I have been an engineer forever and I am still waiting for one of those cabs taht is insulated form the rest of the locomotive and as far as seats with suspension . . . . . not in the world I work in.

    I wish . . . . . sigh.

    I have a lot of friends with bad backs from the constant side to side movement compounded over half a lifetime.

  4. It was originally (1800's) called the "cabin."  It has been shortened to "cab" today.

    The first locos didn't have a cab, leaving the engineer and fireman exposed to the elements.  Engines began running here in the US in 1831.  You'd think cab design would be of fist importance, but this was not so.

    The first "cabs" were open to the front.  Not much use when running in the rain, but it was a start.

    The appearance of the classic steam locomotive cab we are familiar with today didn't take shape until nearly 1850.  It was several years after that before all locomotives operating in the US were equipped with cabs.

    Addendum:  Rango's answer deserves comment.  When your chuggin down the track in the "cab", the ride is far different than that experienced in the comfy coaches.  At high speeds (I never ran faster then 79 MPH on passenger) encountering a switch is a violent experience.  This is especially so if the locomotive you're on has a great deal of "lateral" to begin with.

    In some instances it literally slamed you against the arm rests or wall (window).  Ditto for freight locomotives.

    I've been scared more 'n once, but the majority of those have been a wild ride over a switch...

    As far as "suspension" on the seats...  Nah.  I like being bolted to something... with nothing but steel between the cushion and the bolts.

  5. Engine room.

    The operator is the engineer.

  6. it called driver cab in a locomotive train.

    The cab of the locomotive rides on its own suspension system, which helps isolate the engineer from bumps. The seats have a suspension system as well. Inside the cab there are two seats: one for the engineer and one for the fireman. The engineer has easy access to all of the locomotive's controls; the fireman has just a radio and a brake control

  7. No, the drivers area of a train is called the cab

  8. How about, the cab?

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