
What is the driving time to Nigata city from Tokyo Bay area by car/bus?

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Nigata city ----- kanetujidousyado == syutokosoku ---- Tokyo Bay area




  1. It's about 4 hours, yes.

  2. I have only travelled to Niigata City from Tokyo via Shinkansin and I usually stop in Nagaoka. That train ride is about 1.5 hours (don't really remember exactly.)

    Slow train is 4 hours or more.

    Car? Probably 2 hours.  Bus, again slow, because of the stops along the way.  Cannot beat the bullet train.

  3. I did it in 1 hour and 25 minutes on my motorcycle in '94

    (i think i averaged something like 130 mph) yeah, i was flying....

    it's 260 km.

    so an average person would be about 4 hours (without traffic.) 80 km per hour.

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