
What is the dumbest stuff you have seen at the gym?

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Here are some of my favorites:

1. People who do one set of something and then walk away. What?

2. People who load up the bar with a huge amount of weight and proceed to do one-tenth of the actual movement. Awesome "squat," pal. You took the bar off the rack and then put it back.

3.Guys who only do curls and the bench. Dumb.

4. People who believe that light weights at high reps will get you toned. Some with people who only do ab work. "Why do I still have such a big gut?" It's your diet.

5. The guy who always blowdrys his nether regions. Yuck.

6. The guy who does shadow boxing and then practices his baseball swing in the free-weight area. What?

7. The teenagers who have a group bench session in their polo shirts (collar turned up, baseball hat turned backwards).

8. People doing weird stuff with the swiss ball. I mean really weird.

9. Idiots who throw weights. Um, if you are deadlifting 800 pounds, fine, throw the bar to the floor. If you are curling 10 pounds, do not throw the weights.

10. People who give random advice yet look like c**p.

11. The old guy who comes into free weight area, stretches, and then goes home. What?

12. The guy who decides that he is going to lift right behind you. Sure you are a nice guy, but we don't need to be so close.

So, what do you guys and girls have?




  1. lol @ the old man who walks in,stretches then walks out......he probally only goes to the gym to stop his wife complaining,lol.

  2. - I despise the people who come into the gym to chat. This isn't a d**n club, work out and leave. It pisses me off even more when they try to strike up a convo with me in the middle of a set. Being that I am a women at the gym lifting weights, this happens a lot.

    - The fools who try to tell you that what you are doing is wrong, yet they themselves look like complete c**p. If you look better then me, then possibly I'll take into consideration what you are saying.

    - Better yet the people who are on the bikes and treadmills but reading a magazine. If you can read a freakin magazine well working out then you aren't pushing yourself hard enough.

  3. i can so relate to all of those, theres this one lady at my gym who litterally does one real exercise and then just sits on machines and benches so she can talk to people, the funny thing is she thinks shes like a fitness buff because shes at the gym for 3 hrs but she acually talks the whole time

  4. When I'm at the gym, I'm more worried about myself and how I come across to people.  Probably unnecessarily.

    I'm not into paying other people out - if we all did that, no one would use the gym.   Next time your on the cross trainer, maybe look in the mirror?

  5. The ones who DON'T WIPE THE BENCH OFF AFTER THEY'RE DONE WITH IT!!!!!!!!!!!! That's more a pet peeve than anything.

  6. I like the people who drink Gatorade or Vitamin Water during their cardio sessions. Gatorade was designed for serious athletes, not someone doing a 20-minute ride on the stationary bike at the lowest resistance, who is most likely trying to lose weight, and not train for the next Tour de France. Often these people are taking in calories equal to or more than they expend, and then they wonder why they aren't losing weight fast enough... pure water is best I suppose.

    I also like the people I've seen actually wearing garbage bags when they work out! Of course you'll lose more weight, only because you're sweating more and getting dehydrated... those few pounds will return within minutes of drinking enough water. I suppose people will do some strange things though, often because they simply have received misleading information or have not done enough research into their fitness methods.


  7. 10. People who give random advice yet look like c**p.

    I found the people who give advice without others asking for it...are the same people that dont know what they are doing.

  8. Ha ha, those are good ones.  My ex-classmate/workout partner.  She critiqued my every move at every chance.  Then when she thought I had moved out of site, she would sit there and only lift a weight when she thought I was looking.  If I would walk up to her, then her count would be like, 10...11...12.... Funny.  

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