
What is the earliest mongoloid (or Sinoid, your choice) skull found in Asia?

by Guest34407  |  earlier

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I've had a look, and the mongoloid peoples seem to appear out of nowhere about 7,000 years ago, to become the most numerous people on the planet.

What is their place of origin?




  1. This contains some useful information:

    What I find disturbing is the number of erectus traits among Asians & the number or neanderthal traits among Europeans. The teeth of Asians & erectus are very simular, but one doesn't find this in Europe or Africa. Again, one finds many neanderthal traits among Europeans.

    Mungo man tests as closer to neandertal, MtDNA wise, than to sapien.  I see way too much evidence suggesting some gene introgression to dismiss some mixing with both neandertal & erectus by the sapiens that left Africa.

  2. I'm not going to give you any answer you couldn't look up in five minutes, but I can give a bit of experiential perspective. No species appears out of nowhere (except maybe the first couple). The Sinoids, if we're to call them that, had ancestors, and they didn't evolve much faster than anyone else (certainly not fast enough to pop out of the ether).

    In the literature "seem to appear out of nowhere" is a euphemism for "we're still digging." It might also mean "we're not telling," if we're talking about China. And I'm not sure setting their origin and eventual rise as a large slice of the population as a consequential statement is entirely a good idea (though it might be unintentional).

  3. The concept of "Mongoloid" is kind of outdated.

    If your asking where the earliest hominid was found or the earliest neanderthal thats different.

    The variation of homo sapiens sapiens is so small that using classifications like mongoloid, caucasoid, etc is BS IMHO. They are just a throwback to the old days of racist anthropology the likes of Hrdlicka and company used at the BAE.

    Of course you will still find some academics who claim that there is in fact a "racial" difference but anything to do with craniometrics or trying to determine it from the skull is pretty much bunk.

    One of the earliest found Homo erectus was Peking Man:

    if thats what your asking

  4. Some guy in Thailand found one before Breakfast , I think it was about 5.25am !!!

    Now that is early..........

  5. Maybe, like the dinosaur bones from this region, they all get ground up into powder, and used for medicinal purposes (Calcium supplements)!

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