
What is the earliest that you can see a yolk sack and a heart beat in an ultrasound?

by  |  earlier

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what is the earliest? hypothetically speaking if you had a vaginal ultrasound every day since conception what would be the first day you could see a yolk sack and a heart beat like in this photo?




  1. usually around 5-6 weeks

  2. before i went in i was going to do an aborshin and they showd me the hartbeat , and i couldnt say no.

    to this day I have a baby and her name is Geraldeen

    she is so beutiful

  3. I had an ultrasound at just over 4 weeks and they could see the sack but the baby was to small to be seen and therefore no heartbeat was found. At 6 weeks they were able to find a heartbeat, so I guess around 5-6 weeks is when they are able to detect a small heartbeat but ultrasounds can only give you an approximate gestation period anyway with the size of the sack and the baby, and every baby grows differently, even at that size, but 5 weeks looks about right

  4. A fetus's heart starts beating between 6 and 7 weeks.  

  5. looks like about 6 weeks...  

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