
What is the earliest time you are allowed to sound the horn of your car legally in a built up area ???

by Guest64051  |  earlier

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this is in the Uk only, & for the thicko who answered with a date DERRRRRRR




  1. There are so many things this could depend on. State laws, county, city, etc.

    Think of it this way overall:

    If its an traffic necessity in which you are warning someone by honking the horn. Then anytime is okay. So long as you are attempting to avoid an accident from happening.

    If you are just doing it to be a nuisance and a jerk, then it is never okay. If its to honk outside of someone's home for them to come out it is better if they were already waiting outside or call them from a cellphone.

  2. You can legally use it at any time but it must only be used as a warning to other road users who you feel may be unaware of your proximity, other use is illegal at all times.

  3. I think it is 7am and not after 11pm :-)

  4. its 7 am but if u sound ur horn u have to be off road only found this out last week thru my driving instructor

  5. 7 am! (UK)

  6. In the uk it's an offence to sound the horn of a car between 23:30 and 07:00 or at any time when the car's stationary unless another vehicle poses a danger

    (Highway code rule 112)

  7. i think its 7am

  8. I believe it's 7am in the UK.

  9. 1863 AD

    Or did you mean the earliest time of day?


  10. You CANNOT sound your horn between the hours of 11pm and 7 am.

  11. 7 AM unless your a pikey gyipsy then whenever you want to as police wont say anything

  12. 7am

  13. Since you are asking before, I assume you are planning to pick someone up. Please call from your cell phone.

    Not everyone wants to get up at 7:05am. or even 8am.

    Maybe some like to sleep until 10am.

    Maybe some have night jobs.

    I say everyone get your lazy *&$ out of the car and knock on the door.

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