
What is the easiest and cheapest way for my mom to learn Arabic? 10pts to be best answer!!!?

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What is the easiest and cheapest way for my mom to learn Arabic? 10pts to be best answer!!!?




  1. i kno arabic. XD

    and i guess i can teach u a few words and u teach her.

    but i guess thats a bit weird lol

    umm im not sure.. maybe go to the mosque and ask if anyone can give her arabic lessons.

    and maybe people will give her lessons for free if the generous.

    Hope this helped XD

  2. move to Bahrain and marry an Arab.  

  3. theres tons of translation websites where you can learn the words AND even learn how to pronounce them,

    if you go on altavista nd then type in the english phrase like hello it will tell you the spelling of it in arabic AND theres even a link to the side u click and someone says it :) i hope i helped and hope i get the points :)

  4. well, ship her to afghanistan..

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