
What is the easiest and safest way to get old candle wax out of a votive candle holder?

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I obviously don't want to break the candle holder. But there is wax in the bottom from each of the candles that I have burnt in it. You can only burn a candle down so far, and then it won't burn anymore. This is what is left over from the candles. But I want to clean the holder out, so I can burn new ones and not have this left over wax keep building up over time. What do you suggest? I only want tried and true methods that you guys have used yourselves with positive results. Because I don't want to end up messing my candle holder up. Thank you!




  1. Put the holder in the freezer overnight.  In the morning, carefully pry the wax from the holder with a butter knife.  It should pop right out in one or two pieces.

  2. Put them in the freezer. Wait an hour or so, then the candle wax should pop right out when you turn it upside down and tap it.

  3. Others have already given you some great ideas for getting the wax out, but after it's cleaned up, if it is a straight-sided votive holder I have found a brand of great smelling candles that burn all the way to the bottom leaving behind only the metal disc coated wtih a little wax.that comes right out with some hot soapy water.  You might want to give them a try!  For more information, here is the company website:

  4. I have used some of the other methods that were suggested here... However, one of my favorite ways is to use a candle warmer ($5). With this method you can actually enjoy the fragrance a little longer and then just simply pour it out and wipe the votive when you finish.  I have extended the life of many candles with this method! Best To You!

  5. I pick out as much as I can with my nails first, then sit the holder in a bowl of hot water until the remaining wax melts and soak it up the with a piece of kitchen towel.

    Hope this works for you :)

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