
What is the easiest fastest way to get a bill corrected?

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Someone I know bought a phone but returned it. The agreed to pay a certain amount but now have been charged more. In the past I remember someone else getting ripped off because they were overcharged by Verizon & would spend hours on the phone so they just let them have the money. I want to make sure this doesn't happen with this person....I am even willing to call for this person because he has a schedule where it is hard to stay on the if I call about them taking this extra money. I think they charged him with him it...they wasted my time but won't take it off, is there a legal way I can threaten them to have it taken care of or I will go to a certain place to get them to force them? any advice is appreciated.




  1. The best way is to work with the company to get it corrected - but it may be very hard or impossible to do, when it comes to phone companies.  The are notorious in matters like this.  Theoretically you can take legal actions, but when you factor in the efforts, legal fees, attorney charges, etc., it may not be worth.  In the mean time, you can (and should) file complaints with BBB and other watchdog organizations./

  2. call first

    face to face next option

  3. There is an early termination fee if you cancel service before the contract is up, because they rely on part of each payment during the contract to partially or fully pay for the phone.

    He should have read the contract before he got the phone, or at least before he canceled service.

    There has been an effort by some people to eliminate early termination fees, however then there would be no free phones and all mobile phones would cost more.

  4. it's like fighting a dragon with a thimble-full of water. if you're on the phone with somebody, they're trained to say and do whatever they can to make sure you don't get what you want. you just have to be firm and assertive but not rude or angry. stay in control of yourself and no matter what run around they give you, stick to demanding what you deserve. eventually, you'll win if you have the patience to outbattle them. i had this happen when i wanted to remove a service fee from my credit card. the person tried for ten minutes to convince me otherwise, and then got angry when i insisted i wanted the service removed and tried to intimidate me (that's when you know you've won, when they resort to intimidation, means they've lost control) and i still insisted and they finally caved in. you have to realize it's a war-mentality for them and approach it as such. but they have to in the end give you what you want because they won't go to the point of risking losing you as a customer, because that gets reported to their superiors. they'll just try and talk you out of asking for what you want. it sucks that that's how people feel they need to relate to one another, but right now, that's the name of the only game in town.

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