
What is the easiest musical instrument to learn?

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What is the easiest musical instrument to learn?




  1. I like to think it's the piano because you can actually see the notes you are playing.  They aren't invisible like on a string or wind instrument.  However, piano is not an easy instrument.  Really, it's not easy to be good at any instrument period.  They all take hard work and dedication.

    I just happen to think that seeing the notes definitely is a plus when learning an instrument.  

  2. The triangle, I see people are saying that the piano is the easiest to learn but honestly it is alot more complex than people think. You have to learn the chords (such as AMinor, G, C, etc)

  3. I would say that the piano is the easiet instrument to learn, since all you have to do is press keys instead of pressing strings or buttons and bowing or blowing, etc.

  4. piano or violin

  5. You shouldn't pick an instrument because it's 'easy'. Pick one because you LIKE it.  

  6. The drums. You bang them with sticks until you find a well sounding rhythm.

  7. I am a muscion and the easyest to learn would e the trombone

    this teaches many things a muscion should use which are




    and the base of any instrument

    I would not lie to you

    the piano is to complex for beginners I would now

    the drums are bad to because you have to know rytheme before you start and finger instrument are harder on the mine because you have to mermorize each key and  each note played you have to learn those keys together

    i'm not saying it's impossible but it's hard

    well, GOODLUCK:)

  8. Don't go through life trying to find the easiest way to do something.  Decide on what you really want and strive to achieve it no matter how much work it takes.  That's where you'll find true satisfaction.

  9. Tin whistle

  10. The first instrument I got a tune out of, which is the most important thing for a kid, as it gave me an instant love of music, was the mouth organ.I believe that if I hadn't picked it up and start getting tunes immediately then the love of music it helped me develop may never have happened.


    I now play a few instruments, none too well, but competently enough, to have made a living from music for over 40 years

  11. Hello there,

    The easiest  . Drums

    Next to the easiest - Flute

    Also very easy - Trombone.

    Very difficult - Oboe / bassoon

    Next to that - Piano.

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