
What is the easiest snake to start out with?

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im trying to start a snake breeding company and was wonderring what i should start with?




  1. ball python aka royal python, corn snake, or garter snake,

  2. Well if you're looking for something that's easy, a garter snake would be pretty easy. They have live birth so you don't have to deal w/ eggs. Corn snakes would probably be the next easiest. Now these snakes really aren't financially viable to start a company w/. You would probably spend more money taking care of them than you would if you sold the babies.  

  3. I would say a ball python. A corn snake is good, too. A ball python will get about 3-5 feet and a corn snake will get about 4-6 feet. Neither one requires a big cage. A 20 gallon long is a minimum adult enclosure for both species. All they need is an under tank heater, a hide (on the warm side and the cooler side), and a water dish. Here are some care sheets... Ball python -

    Corn snake - I hope this helps.

  4. If it is your first snake get a colubrid. Which are king snakes, corn snakes, etc.

    Corn Snakes would be your best bet. They only get 4 feet long. They are not picky eaters. They are strict Carnivores. They are around 20 dollars online. And 80 dollars and pet stores.

    Garter Snake, no there is no such thing as a garden snake or gardner snake. They eat minnows, pinky mice, roaches. They get around 3 - 4 ft. 21 Dollars at petco 10 dollars online.

    Rough Green Snake, they are insectivores. They don't get big. They eat roaches, crickets, etc. Don't know price sorry.

    Don't listen to other people. Ball Pythons are not begginer snakes, They are picky eaters. They eat live which costs more the F/T. They go on long hunger strikes and will stress you out. The hunger strike would go around 8 months. They cost 30 dollars for males and 50 dollars for females. If they eat live once they won't go back to F/T.

    Go on Just call them. Their phone number is on the site. Or you can watch some of their videos. Go on and type in snakebytestv.

    Good Luck on getting a snake.

  5. try constrictor. they are very loyal.

  6. Try a corn snake, a king snake, or a ball python.

    I have two ball pythons named Lucifer and Vira, a milk snake named  Cleo, a corn snake named michelangelo, and a King snake  named Wonton. I got the corn snake first, and about a year later got the first ball python. They're in general the most suggested snakes for starting out, and especially if you're planning on trying to breed them you want nice docile snakes that can tolerate handling and are easier to take care of them say a gigantic rainbow boa or any other form of python. Those can come later. I might try breeding my pythons... maybe... my cat doesn't like them so I don't know...

  7. You should start with a small, non-venomous snake.

    A gardner snake perhaps.

  8. Corn snake. They are probably the best looking and most mellow snakes you can have. They come in several different colors and aren't that squirmy and will hang out on your hand or wrist for a while.

    They eat once a week when babies, and once every two weeks as adults. They don't require any special humidity or UVB and will go their whole life on frozen then thawed feeder mice.

    But I still recommend doing hours of research on them, just so you make sure you are doing every thing 100% perfectly.

    As for a company, these guys are perfect. They are relatively cheap to maintain, can live together in one (big) cage, eat seldomly, and can be sold for $20-40 per snake.

  9. The corn is a good beginner snake or some other form of rat snake.

  10. A ball Python.. my little brother had two and it worked out really well...

    they don't bite, and they curl up in a ball in your hand when you hold them.. they eat mice, just like any other snake. Its really cool to watch them eat the mice..they are a great pet=]

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