
What is the easiest to breed fish?

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I wanna breed some fish to make some extra $$.

Also, how could I sell the fish (the ones that hatched from the egg) when they grow up?





  1. Guppies are easy to breeed. I think any fish that give fry(not eggs) can.

  2. Killifish, if you want to make a little money.  Most are very beautiful and can be bred in a small container.  No more than 1 male per container, but 2-3 females.  Although fairly expensive, you can usually buy their eggs over the internet, then follow the instructions for hatching.

    Most easy to breed fish won't pay enough to breed for money, but exotic guppies would be another choice, those that would cost more than just $10-15 a pair, and for either it's best to get 2-3 females for each male.

    However, most store won't buy fish from you, but will trade.

    Aphyosemion Australe The Lyretail Killifish would be a good choice.

  3. Livebearers like guppies, platys and mollies and egg layers Convict Cichlids breed easily BUT these fish that breed at the drop of hat won't make you money, you're more likely to lose money feeding and raising them than make a penny. Stores won't buy them, they might swap them for store credit but this is increasingly rare. And chances are they'd end up as feeder fish anyway.

    Breeding something difficult and unusual will make you some pennies, easy stuff won't.

  4. Don't breed animals to make an extra buck, there are too many animals (fish included) that don't have good homes, and a lot of the ones that do have homes a lot of them aren't very great...especially fish because the general person knows nothing about keeping their water up to par; like cycling, pH, nitrates and so on. That's really selfish, if you need to make an "extra buck," start a lemonade stand.

  5. Guppies are easy to breed because all you need is a male and a couple of females and lots of plants if you want to do it the natural way. They will have a couple of fry the first time and after that they can have up to 100 fry. hope this helps

  6. guppies are easy to breed but its gonna cost you some $$


    -get 5 male guppies and 15 female guppies and put them in a 20 gallon tank

    -before you get the fish heavily plant your fish tank with 5 plants each side of the tank and have one small cave in the middle so when the guppies have the fry, the fry wont get eaten.

    - i would sell the male guppies when the females get pregnant and sell the males for $1 each to a couple of friends and wait for the females to have the fry then sell those, then keep the fry until they grow up then sell start breeding by keeping at least 20-30 guppies then sell the rest for $1.50 for a profit then repeat the cycle.

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