
What is the easiest way for a do-it-yourselfer to insulate a floor?

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Yes, I know hiring a contractor is by far, the easiest. However, I'm on a tight budget and need to do it myself. The crawlspace under my home is pretty tight, so there is limited room to work in. Anybody out there have any real life experience to share? My home is about 1700 sqft.




  1. Get yourself a long sleeved shirt, goggles for your eyes, gloves.

    Buy the plastic sleeve covered insulation that fits the joist spaces.  This doesn't have a paper flange to staple to the wood joists, but it does go in easier in tight spaces with less dust and itch.

    Use pieces of heavy string across the bottom of the joist after pushing the insulation up to hold it there.  Staple the string to each side.

  2. this is a rather simple project to do.  Most places that sell insulation should have either literature that will provide info on how to do this.  Just make sure that you understand what you are trying to do and be able to explain to someone what you are doing.  If you can't, how can they help you.  one hint, any kind of vapor barrier will always go to the heated side.  Sometimes a vapor barrier is not needed in a crawlspace if both crawl and upper rooms are heated.  Please go to a local place and ask for good advice.  I know that at some of those BIG stores they may be a little cheaper, but advise and experience is well worth a few extra dollars.  

  3. I am sorry but you should hire the guy. I do not think you now what you are doing. It is also safer. you could have a pipe you could break it and water or gas and flood you house from under it or the whole house could have gass in it and if some on lights a match it your house go BBBBBOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM

  4. you just have to get in there and install insulation , it will be a long slow itchy process but sometimes you can find plastic encapsulated insulation for a few cents more per foot ,it will save some itch  .not hard to do just slow to do in crawl space not to mention not pleasant environment  

  5. It's easy, except for where you have to do it. Typically you use batt insulation and wire rods to hold it in place. The paper facing should face the floor to act as a vapor barrier. That's why you can't staple the edges. It's a real pain but can be done. Make sure you wear a particle mask and eye protection as well as long sleeve shirt and pants. I've done this a couple of times and it really does test your patience.

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