
What is the easiest way to become certified in education so I can teach in NYS?

by Guest60900  |  earlier

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I currently hold bachelors degrees in Math and Physics and a masters degree in electrical engineering. I have been working for a large corporation for about 2 years now in various roles and I am seriously contemplating a career change. Most of my friends from college are teachers and I have always considered that as a career but never bothered to obtain certification.

What are the steps I need to take in order to obtain certification to teach at public schools in NYS and how can I do this without having to take too much time off from working or forking over tons of money for another degree?

I have been told that with my degrees and technical skills I could get a job at a school as an assistant and they would pay for me to get all the education classes taken care of. I also heard I could teach at a charter school or private school to get experience while getting certified but that the pay is not as great.

Please advise if you feel you can provide any valuable information.




  1. Also, check out The New Teacher Project, an org that caters specifically to those who want to transition into teaching from another career.  They place people in high-need (read: urban) areas, so if you're in Manhattan, that it's their NYC Teaching Fellows program.

  2. It sounds like you got some bad information there.

    There are alternative pathways for someone with your degrees: here is the exact site that describes them - you'll need to find a state approved program -  the details vary depending on the program - so spend your time investigating each one.

    here is the link:

    im not in NY - So my examples are from out here in Los Angeles - But I do feel that you have been misled in one important aspect: there is no easy.

    all programs are deisgned to hit the same items - you'll need classes, tests and student teaching - the only difference is the order of things. You *can* find one that allows you to teach while you do it all so that you can draw a paycheck - however this is the most difficult program - as you'll be doing your teaching with all those other requirements after school, nights and weekends.

    Ive noticed that of all the teachers I mentor - the interns (thats the program that i discuss above) have the most difficult time.

    good luck to you!

  3. I would go to the college that you are interested in attending, and ask them what classes you would need to become certified.  I think you could be a paraprofessional or teacher's aide, and sometimes a district will pay for part or all of your education. As far as teaching without your certification...I don't know about that.  I can tell you that I would NOT want you to teach my children without your teaching certification.  Just because you know your subject area does not make you a good teacher!

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