
What is the easiest way to clean a VERY messy bedroom?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, my bedroom is a reck. There are clothes here, boxes there, toys here, a desk there, shoes here, stuffed animals there, and well you get the point. Please help me!




  1. Turn on Music

    Mark 3 boxes:

    1) Goodwill/Salvation Army (Give away)

    2) Keep

    3) Trash

    Start in one corner of the room and work your way around.

    After you fill up the boxes throw out the Trash box, Take the Goodwill/Salvation Army box to them, then get started on your Keep Box.

    Keep Box – Put away items.

    Open windows (for some reason fresh air always makes a room feel cleaner)

    Wipe off all surfaces

    Sweep Floor

    What a pain, but in the long run you can go into your room and be proud of all the work you've done!

  2. Check out the steps in this article It will help you to break down the problem into sections, whcih will make it much easier to beat.

  3. use the boxes to sort things then put them under your bed

  4. Pitchfork and garbage bags?

  5. I understand completely! I have a basement to clean myself. I have already tackled the bedrooms. get some boxes, bags, etc... Pick a starting point and  jump in! You might want to begin with the clothes. Begin by sorting them and putting them away or giving them away. Same with the toys and shoes.If you haven't worn or used them in the last year...purge!!! the garbage can is the easiest! There is something to be said for the satisfaction you will feel when the job is done!

  6. Get a few garbage bags. One for garbage. One for clothing you no longer can wear. One for toys you no longer play with.

    Getting rid of things you no longer wear or play with is a huge improvement to keeping your room nicer for the future. Plus, you'll help some other kid out there by giving it to charity.

    Go over to the desk, start there. Throw all things away that you don't need and even clean out the drawers. Next, put away the stuff you do need to keep. Now you have one clean surface and it will make you feel better. Next, go to the dresser and take your garbage bag over there too, throw out all garbage. If you don't know if it's garbage, ask yourself this. Have i look at this for more than a month? If the answer is no, than throw it away.

    Take out every piece of clothing that is too small and put it in the bag for clothing. This will leave more room for the clothing that does fit. Look around, do you see toys you haven't played with for a month or more? That you are bored of? Be honest with yourself, get rid of it if you don't play with it. No need in keeping stuff just to say you have it. Plus, makes a room harder to clean with too much stuff in it!

    Next, tackle the floor. Pick up each item and find a bag or place to put it in. Do i need this? If it's clothing, is it clean or do i need to wash it? Grab a laundry basket for the dirty clothing. Again, if you can't wear it anymore, get rid of it!!!!

    Once the floor is cleaned and you can walk again, get under your bed and pull it all out. Again, throw out and get rid of anything that you don't use, can't use or is garbage.

    Then go to your closet and find every piece of clothing or shoes that you can't wear or use anymore. Put it in the bag! Now, make sure there's nothing on your bed and you are ready for the next stage.

    Go in and get a duster or damp rag and dust off all the surfaces in the room. Make sure you move things to dust. When you are done with that, if you have any mirrors, get windex and clean those. Then get the vacuum and do the carpet, or the mop if you have other type of flooring.

    Now you can make your bed.

    You are now done and should be extremely proud of yourself. Ask to go donate all that you can't use, or give it to a younger sibliing if your parents want you too.

  7. Things You’ll Need:

    Pen or Pencil


    Clock or Stopwatch

    Transportation (Optional)

    Cleaning Agents (dependent on room)

    Cleaning Tools (dependent on room)


    Step1 Visualize your room clean. If intimidation is a key factor in preventing you from cleaning your room efficiently, finding what motivates you will help you through the process. This is a psychological tactic used by many motivational coaches, especially in sports. Some people can only can see the clutter and therefore, become intimidated. Through closing you eyes and visualizing a clean room, you can see the end goal.

    Step2 Set your goals. Create a checklist of small incremental goals that will help bring you on a clear pathway towards the end goal. Obviously, cleaning the kitchen can be vastly different from cleaning your bedroom, so learn to set specific goals that are geared toward the individual room you plan on cleaning.

    Step3 Start with big goals first. When efficiently cleaning a room, it's important to start big and end with the small details. For example, if you're organizing your bedroom you may want to start with making your bed. A freshly made bed can be the most visually impacting item in your room. In a kitchen, a dirty sink may be the first area a visitor may see. Cleaning these areas can help motivate you to clean the rest of your room. Ask yourself what you lay your eyes on first when entering a room and start from there.

    Step4 End with the minor details. After you arrange the larger objects of your room, you may want to consider dusting the room, vacuuming it, mopping the floors, and/or finally taking spray products out to clean glass, window, and/or disinfect.


    Set time limits. Estimate an overall goal that you would like to achieve in cleaning one room. Then divide that chunk of time into incremental time limits for each duty that you've listed. It's easy to squander your time by focusing on one spot for too long. You may want to implement a timer or have a clock nearby in order to keep track of your timing.

    Step6 Get your tools. Review the list and see what products you may need to achieve your goals. Write down these products. Get the products that you may not have off hand.

    Step7 Put your plan into action and provide yourself with feedback. Try to closely abide with your written plan. After you're done cleaning, make note of areas in your plan that need change. For example, you may need more time or forgot a step that you may have left out. Over time, you'll be able to revise your plan into a system that is geared towards your own individual needs and will eventually allow you to clean each room the fastest way possible.

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