
What is the easiest way to find a job in US??

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I live in Houston, TX and looking for a job.What companies do you think are good and are hiring right now? position doesnt matter as much cuz am 18 and i plan to go to college. Part-time. Only!




  1. Military is the flat out EASIEST and it's great because you get in shape, etc. and they'll pay for your college sometimes too.  Just take a look at it because you can - look around.  Go to a recruiting station and let them give you tons of free pens and pads and info.  You can at least know your options fully!

    Other than that, no place is going to be better than another.  People hiring are looking for a specific thing, and if you don't fit the bill, then you're out of luck... unless you want to work fast food (BLAH)

    The best way to get a job is to answer every one of those ads with a resume or phone call, and make an organized list.  Then call everyone back.  When I was hiring at my old office, I found that more attention was paid to the individuals who called and asked about the job.  Some of the other resumes or phone calls would be thrown out or forgotten when we received the second or third call from a persistent person - they would often get the job just because they looked responsible through pursuit and obviously showed that they wanted the job.

    Try to look for something you'd enjoy and be persistent about those - better to get the right job first rather than a few c**p jobs.

  2. Look at the industry your state/town is most lucritive in.  Use:

    If you don't mind whate job as you stated, then look at someplace you are interested in now around the college you are choosing to attend.  You may want to talk to the manager of the store, and ask if there are people that are going to quit when school starts, and if there are, ask if you can fill out and application and you can start as of whenever is convenient for you.

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