
What is the easiest way to get distance with the golf driver?

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What is the easiest way to get distance with the golf driver?




  1. The easiest way to get distance is to make contact on the sweet spot with a smooth swing.  I get more distance when I make a good swing than when I try to get distance.  You can work on drills on the range, but on the course accept the distance you get and play for it.

  2. Widen  your stance a little.  Make sure your feet are outside your shoulders.  Also have right foot at 90 degree angle from target line.  Both of these will restrict right hip turning back too far thus creating torque between shoulders and hips for more clubhead speed when you unwind.

  3. Move up one set of tees!  Seriously it is a timing thing.  Move the ball a little more forward of where you tee it now.  Swing very smoothly.  Contact the ball on the upswing.   Whip the wrists through the ball as you make perfect contact.   Go to the range and hit 1000 practice balls with a driver.  Lift weights.   Don't worry to much about distance it is more important to get the ball in play for the second shot.  have fun!

  4. Swing VERY hard. Simple, but true.

  5. Mel O = Wrong

    Faster Club Head Speed = Faster Ball Speed

    Faster Ball Speed = Farther Distance

    Farther Distance = Happy Golfer

    Swinging hard = Slower club speed (suprisingly)

    Swinging harder = Sad golfer

    Sad Golfer = Angry Golfer

    Angry Golfer Swings Club harder and the ball goes even shorter and inacurate!!!

    Angry golfer breaks club out of rage.

    Angry golfer is out of $300 for a driver.

    To Conclude:

    Don't whack the c**p outa the ball and you'll be happy and not $300 in debt.

  6. I'm no golf pro, but I've studied the swing a lot. I'm only 5 foot 7 inches and weigh128 lbs, but I can hit my driver further than almost all my friends, and my buddies are good players and twice my size. I average about 275 yds and have hit 300 yd drives before...with witnesses too. =)

    1. The first way to get the most out of your driver is to make sure the ball is forward in your stance. The ball should be even with the heal of your front foot. This way you can hit the ball on the upswing.

    2. Make sure you're in an athletic position. You can't make good contact if your back is bent over, and your arms aren't hanging the right distance from your body. Your back should be arched slightly, making your butt feel like it's sticking out a bit. There should also be a slight bend in your knees, as if you were a short stop ready for a ground ball. From there, your arms should just hang down from your body with your shoulders being square to the target line.

    If steps 1 and 2 don't make sense, ignore the rest and see a certified golf teacher.

    3. The most important aspect of the driver swing, not to mention all of your clubs, is to swing with your shoulders, and not with my arms. Your hands should stay in front of your chest as your right shoulder tucks behind you in your back swing. It should feel like you're bringing the club slightly inside  your target line.

    4. As you do this, keep your lower body still. The more you sway with your body in the back swing, the more power you lose, and the less accurate your shot will be. If you find your head moving a lot during your swing, you're not staying steady enough. The more controlled your body and head are, the more likely you'll hit the ball square on the club face. The harder you try to swing, the more tense your muscles get, which doesn't allow for club head speed. Almost all PGA players have very relaxed hands and arms during their swings, except for right before impact.

    5. If you've made a good shoulder turn, and haven't just swung your arms back, you then just unwind your body and try to feel like you're hitting the ball on the inside section of it. And if the ball is forward in your stance, you'll literally feel like you're swing up and under the ball slightly. You'll find you won't have to swing hard to get good distance if you do this correctly.

    I recommend you just practice swinging the club around your body, making sure you just pull that right shoulder back and keep your hands in front of your chest while you do so. You don't have to even to make your shoulders turn that far. If you feel tension going down your right leg (left leg if you're a lefty), then it means you're creating torque, which is needed for power. Look up some PGA players golf swings on YouTube, and you'll see what I mean about torque and having little head and body movement. It's pure shoulder turn.

    Again, all this is dependent on the fact that you already have a  proper set up at address. I see huge guys on the range swinging as hard as they can, and all they do is hit huge slices. I can hit the ball further than them with a half swing just because I know how to make a shoulder turn.

    Hope this helps you and others to make better contact, and get more distance from your driver!

  7. 1) Ensure your driver is appropriately fit for your swing.

    This means.. make sure you have the right flex; low or high kickpoint, torque, shaft type.. etc..etc...

    If your swing speed and tempo doesn't warrant the use of a stiff flex.. then leave your ego at the door.. and don't use a stiff flex.  You are leaving yards on the table by using the wrong flex.  

    Also, make sure you have the right "kickpoint" in your shaft.  If you are a lowball player, and need more trajectory.. look for a shaft with a mid or low kickpoint.. this will launch the ball higher, which may give you more optimal carry.

    Shafts also affect spin on the ball..  More backsping = more carry time....  but... this works in conjunction with the launch angle also....  

    its all about having the right, OPTIMAL combination.. for YOUR swing and swing type.

    2) Lessons.  You can get more distance, from actually swinging the driver the proper way.

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