
What is the easiest way to stop, while snowboarding?

by  |  earlier

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I recently went snowboarding for the first time. We took a simple basic instructions course, but they neglected to inform us on how it actually STOP. Well other than falling down,lol! Any advice or tips would be great! Thanks!




  1. It's the same as turning but what you want to do is dig the uphill edge in when your board is at a right angle to the fall line and that'll stop you.  It's like doing a heel or toe slide but without sliding.

  2. Healside edging will be the easiest way to stop. YOur pretty much just going to lean on your heals, your going to fall a bunch trying to learn this, BUT ITS OK, everyone falls while learning. So your going to kinda lean back and tilt your body and shoulders in the direction that you want the snowboard to moce, so that you back is facing UP the mountain.  Keeping the weight over your front foot while doing this little 09 degree turn.  And if you still  cant stop fall on your butt. Also you can stop with you toeside edge, but this is a little harder and a little more dangerious when learning.  It might be easier for you to learn that way tho. Everyvbody learns differntly. Hope this helps Happy Shredding

  3. just turn

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