
What is the easiest way to win a Judo match? (getting Ippon?)?

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Is it tai otoshi? uchi mata?

anyone have opinions?




  1. go in crouch come out head up chest out;) victory

  2. My personal favourite- Ippon Seoinage. As you turn your body into theirs and go to throw, drop to your knees whilst forcing your opponent straight over your shoulder, works the majority of the time for me.

  3. obviously it'd depend on the situation. sometimes uchi mata would be better, sometimes tai otoshi, sometimes osoto just depends.

  4. what do you think youre doing posting actual martial arts questions on here, dont you know this is the ufc and chuck norris vs. bruce lee forum lol

  5. There is no correct answer to this question. While you have listed some very good throws. Neither is better than the other. Every person has their favorite throw or technique. Some throws work better for some people. My favorites are osoto maki komi and harai ogoshi. Personally i don't think I ever use tai otoshi other than when I was testing. There were other throws I didn't use unless my instructor made me use them in tournaments.  Most of our club loved maki. We took 1st place team trophies everywhere we went. in the 80's. Our sensei stopped allowing us to use our favorite techniques. he said he knew we could win with those, but we had to learn to win with others too. he said everyone knows you are going to do those one or two throws they will be better prepared to defend them. For some of us like me , he made us doa certain throw. I hated that. I had to use hane goshi. That wasn't my best throw, but he said it was a good throw for me. In my opinion that was one of my weaknesses along with foot sweeps.

    Please forgive my spelling. It has been a long time since I had to use the Japanese.

  6. Train in nothing but basic drills and Kata 5 days a week, and only do randori on the 6th day of the week, during Randori practice, do something called a "shark pit;"

    One dude stands in a circle, 5 dudes stand in line taking turns to Judo you.  Win or lose, the dude in the circle, the "meat" of the "sharks," has to keep on Judoing.  When you get to the 5th and last the next dude becomes "the meat."  Repeat about 10 times with the occassional needed water breaks.

    You asked what is the "easiest way" man.  That IS the easiest way; you polish your technique for most of the week, and then on the weekend you engage in the shark pit exercise to push your limit, you repeat this process every single week, and before a contest, for about a month, you train twice as long, but, you take 3 days off before contest day to allow your muscles to recover.  That way when you compete, your muscles will be fresh.

    good luck.


    It will be better if you read Kyuzo Mifune's "Cannon of Judo," otherwise known as the "bible" of Judo.  In case you doubt that Mifune knows what he's talking about, here;

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